A few months after Norway goes into lockdown, Viviann calls her friend Helen. Viviann has found a tumor in her breasts. Can Helen come with her to the hospital?
Dandelion Sisters is a close and warm story about two women trying to nurture a friendship when it’s impossible to meet physically. Being infected by the corona virus will be life-threatening for Viviann. The film follows their lives from March 2020 to March 2021 and shows pieces from a long friendship. In the film, we meet their dogs Karma and Snø, who also are friends.
About the director
Nadina Helen Bakos is a producer, scriptwriter, director, and photographer from Oslo, Norway. She has a BFA in Photography from Robert Meyer Kunsthøgskole, was an assistant to DOP Odd Geir Sæther for 2,5 years, and attended Cappelen Damm Author school in 2021/2022. She has been an artist and freelancer since 2005.

It’s Labour Day, the sun is shining, and Viviann and Helen are strolling in Ekebergparken. It has been almost two months since the first lockdown related to the pandemic started. They are happy to finally have the opportunity to be social. The dogs, Snow and Karma, are bouncing around happily. The two friends hope that society will open up so that they can continue their lives as before the pandemic. What they don’t know is that two months from now, Viviann will find a tumor in her breast. Helen will accompany Viviann to the hospital and Viviann will receive the message that she has a two-centimeter malignant tumor that has spread to the lymph.
About the production
With: Viviann Alexandra Knutsen and Nadina Helen Bakos
Producer: Dennis Winther and Terje Bruun Lien
Director: Nadina Helen Bakos
Editor: Wessam Hachicho
Music: Markus Lappalainen
Sound design and mix: Nadina Helen Bakos and Ahmed Sabbir
Genre: Documentary
Runtime: 32 minutes
Aspect ratio: 16:9 HD
Format: 1920 x 1080
Camera: Mobilephone
Premiere: Nordic/Docs, September 2023
Contact director Nadina Helen Bakos, or producer Dennis Winther at info@purpledragonstales.com.